Dark Times: A Spark Remains #2

Dark Times: A Spark Remains #2 (of 5)

(Dark Times #29, Star Wars: Republic #112)

Writer: Randy Stradley
Artist: Doug Wheatley
Colorist: Dan Jackson
Letterer: Michael Heisler
Cover Artist: Benjamin Carré

Laughs, romance and surprises lie in wait in Dark Times: A Spark Remains #2. In this issue, the plot thickens as Dass Jennir moves ahead with Beyghor Sahdett’s plan and his own. Meanwhile bounty hunter Falco Sang finally passes his training and gets ready to head back out into the galaxy and after Jennir. We also catch a rare glimpse of the Emperor keeping tabs on his apprentice. There’s definitely a lot to enjoy in this one.

Things kick off on Coruscant as Lt. Gregg works away late into the night only to be called on by the Emperor. Later, we see Gregg escorting Falco Sang to his freedom. Once again we get an action scene with Falco, but this time he actually gets somewhere. His imprisonment and retraining has come to an end. It’s time for him to start hunting Jedi. With three more issues to go in this arc, there’s a good bet Falco will be seeing some more action very soon.

The rest of the issue focuses on Jennir and his crew. They start out on the bright world of Rion. It’s spacious and inhabited by some colorful wayfarers. But speaking of colorful, the comic serves up its first good laugh with a great bit involving H2. His line made me laugh out loud. The trip on Rion isn’t all laughs, though. Jennir is up to something. He has Ratty out buying parts for something and Bomo is getting irked by the secrecy. Furthermore, Jennir is taking the secrecy to some uncomfortable extremes, though I assume it’s fully warranted. I’d hazard a guess the parts are for a lightsaber, but it doesn’t seem quite right with all the fuss.

Regardless, their next stop is Kestavel which is the planet that was first glimpsed in the opening of issue #1. Here is where the plot really thickens. Without spoiling anything, Jennir finds the Jedi he’s looking for. The payoff at the end is huge. The final page of the comic ratchets up the story about ten notches to bring things to eleven. Where it goes from here is anyone’s guess, but I for one can’t wait to find out. It was a great way to end on a high note.

As mentioned earlier, amid the laughs and secrecy was a touch of romance. The relationship between Jennir and Ember deepened a little as they had a couple nice, quiet moments where Jennir analyzes his circumstance. He’s learning to juggle his relationship with the Force and all his focus on duty with the importance of self. The Jedi spend so much time on selflessness, that they don’t give much time to enjoying life for themselves, and it sometimes hinders their ability to recognize the needs of others. He’s awkwardly learning how to have a relationship with another person. In this issue, Ember is able to bring a few laughs and also some moments of contemplation as she gives readers a reason to look closer at the Jedi and their lifestyle, for better or worse.

Last but not least, no comic review would be complete without a few words on the artwork. Doug Wheatley churns out some wonderful artwork in this issue with some great colors by Dan Jackson. The characters’ faces are extremely detailed and expressive. Bomo really steals the show with his expressions going from quiet worry to fuming rage. But the other characters get plenty of attention as well. The Jedi at the end certainly snagged some good close-ups, as did Gregg and Falco.

With solid artwork and an excellent storyline, Dark Times: A Spark Remains #2 easily earns a five out of five metal bikinis. The story delivers laughs, warm, tender moments, tense, shocking scenes, and some serious surprises. The art complements the dialog perfectly for a seamless flow between visuals and words. It’s a satisfying blend that covers the full range of superb storytelling.

Reviewed By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

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  1. […] Remains #2 heats up as the story delves into laughs, love and some seriously surprising reveals. Click here to read our full review. We’re keeping this one spoiler […]

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