Inside Star Wars Insider #135

July 12, 2012 at 5:46 pm | Posted in Interview, Star Wars Insider, Star Wars News | 3 Comments
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Star Wars Insider #135 splashes the cover with some iconic characters as it kicks off a look back at 30 years of videogames. From Atari to The Old Republic, there’s quite a  collection of highlights. Beyond gaming, there’s an interview with The Clone Wars line producer Athena Portillo. Tricia Barr (FANgirl Blog) also has the honor of interview author Aaron Allston on his upcoming novel X-Wing: Mercy Kill. Aaron talks about Piggy, the new Yuuzhan Vong member of Wraith Squadron, and how he uses of humor in his books. I really liked the X-Wing art they used to illustrate the interview (which also includes a brief history of the X-Wing series). While the images aren’t new, they still look awesome.

The Rogues Gallery feature takes a very special  look at something near and dear to my heart. If you’re not familiar with Insider’s Rogues Gallery, it’s a feature done by Leland Chee where he takes an image and names all the characters, some of whom have never been named before. Just a couple weeks ago, I had wondered about something and posted a question on Leland’s Facebook page. Sadly the question disappeared with no answer. However, to my great surprise, the answer was waiting for me in Insider: the warriors of Endor! Yes, Leland takes a moment to name every Ewok in a large group shot of the furry little warriors, sixteen in all.

The original fiction piece in this issue was done by Star Wars author Karen Miller and titled “Roll of the Dice.” The illustrations are by artist David Rabbitte and depict Myri Antilles undercover. Karen does a nice job of writing a Myri Antilles story that feeds perfectly into Mercy Kill. Gambling, dwarf banthas, and the Antilles knack for pulling off the impossible create a fun story. I liked how Wedge played a part in the story without stealing the show. There was also a well played cameo by Face.

Later on, John Jackson Miller drops some details on his upcoming comic Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral. The series will take place roughly 3,000 years before the movies. The focus will be on another inhabitant of Kesh, one we haven’t seen yet but has been hinted to. According to John “an enemy more powerful than anyone in the Tribe, with a very interesting connection to the past.” The interior art for the new series will be done by Andrea Mutti who did the interior art on Knight of the Old Republic: War. Andrea ways in on the fun of creating elements of Star Wars that have never been seen before, “For this series, we have no technology, no metal and such, so it’s a world apart. I have to build new characters and creatures, including one new spaceship that’s sort of ancient Millennium Falcon.” Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral will be out in comic stores in August, and Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories will be out on July 24th in trade paperback and digital versions.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.


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  1. I’m pretty sure the release date of the LtotS Collection was bumped up to the 24th.

  2. Huh, I didn’t notice that. Got that fixed now.

  3. Yeah all the little Ewoks get names!!!

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